About me
About My Pilates Journey
I have been teaching Pilates since 2008 through taking classes myself and feeling the benefits in my own body but also learning from a friend who had chronic back problems that when she started going to regular classes her spinal issues cleared up. I thought this was an excellent way of helping people to build their fitness levels and help fix their own bodies.
I trained with Body Control Pilates based in London and the course took a year to complete and after 50 hours of supervised teaching, I passed all the exams.
I now live in Greece but still run my classes in the UK .
Below are the training courses I have completed.
Body Control Pilates Level 3 Matwork Teacher Training 2008
Intermediate Matwork
Pilates and the Band
Standing Pilates
Pilates and the Small Ball
Matwork Evolution Prep
Matwork Evolution 1
Arc Barrel Workshop
Pilates plus Psyche
Pilates and Pregnancy 1
Pilates World Conference x 3
Yoga and Pilates Matwork Workshop
About My Mindfulness Journey
In 2011 I found myself reading about Mindfulness and becoming interested in it and finally decided to take the 8 Week MBSR or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course and learn what it was all about. It was an amazing journey for me into an understanding of myself and how to calm the inner mental spiral of thoughts that would take me through my day. By using daily Mindfulness I noticed how stress, when it came into my life, could be handled differently and that I had tools to help me through various situations that affected me in a negative way.
In 2014 I took the plunge and signed up for the Teacher Training 1 of the MBSR at the Centre For Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University in Wales. I attended a week-long retreat at Trigonos in the Welsh mountains, where I was immersed in daily meditations, workshops and training in the subtle art of guiding meditations myself and all the facets to leading an 8 Week MBSR Course.
I keep up my own daily meditation work and study and this allows me greater freedom of thought and ability to deal with the problems that daily life impinges on us all.
I have now completed two silent retreats, one of 5 days and the other of 10 days and I have written a blog about the 10-day retreat here on my website
Retreat review
The Pilates and Mindfulness Retreat with Lindy was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. It left me with a feeling of contentedness I never even realised existed.
The guided Mindfulness sessions taught me how to enjoy life in its purest form.Lindy is a fantastic Pilates teacher and is very good at instructing a whole class yet able to cooperate with each individuals specific needs.
I highly reccomend spending a week on one of her retreats. She also takes care in picking out accommodation. I have never been more at home in a hotel in my entire life! The staff were super friendly, caring and kind. The memories made on this trip to Italy will always bring a smile to my face and brighen up my day. I am blessed that I will have them for the rest of my days.
N. Parvin.